
Being "yourself" in a world that has made you, is actually not yourself at all. Yourself is what you are on the inside. What you want from life and how you want to get there. You cannot be yourself when your around the people in our everyday lifes, but if we all stop keeping that self expression locked so far inside of us that we change who we really are, then the world would be seen from a completly diffrent perspective!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

God's Love

Life is short. My boyfriends grandmother died two days ago and that has me on edge. He just got his white slip and right now isn't the right time to be learning, considering it's snowing, gross, and this is just a crappy time in his life. I worry so much about him gettin in a car acciedent. My bestfriend just got his liscense and he is pretty fearless in his driving. I just worry so much about them although i know that they wil be alright because everytime i think of them like this I pray to God and he answers my prayers! If you every need anything He will be there for you. Never doubt what He can actually do. He will never let you go. He says that once you are in his palm no man can pluck you out! You will always be safe in is hands and even though he may kill a person, it is becuase he wants to save thier soul. God is the one person you can call on when your down and he is the only person who can pick you up when you can't get up.

Love is something you can share with god so if you haven't said hello for a while pick up a bilbe and read. Or just say hello God isn't judgemental, don't worry about messing up. Talk to him he loves to have conversation with his children. ------ remember HE LOVES YOU!

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